Jon Kabat-Zinn

The World Is Changing.
Are You?

These are challenging times. With a convergence of crises – health, economic, environmental and political – it feels like many of the things we took for granted, are being questioned. 

How do we navigate uncertainty and uncharted waters?

How do we resource ourselves for what lies ahead, when we know so little about what lies ahead?

How do we take care of ourselves, so we can be in service to our families, friends, organisations, communities, and society?

Stress is Contagious. So is Calm.

What's Needed Right Now?

What’s required are leaders who can remain calm. Leaders who can steady the ship.  Support their crew to navigate complexity and uncertainty. Leaders who recognise when it’s wise to seek safe harbour, and make better decisions from a more sheltered place.  

Art of Navigation works with leaders to cultivate qualities for these turbulent times:

Calm. Steadiness. Adaptability. ‘Not knowing mind’. Awareness. Clarity. Resilience. Authenticity. Vulnerability. Courage. Compassion. 

These qualities will resource leaders to not just think and act differently, but to ‘feel and sense’ what’s wanting to emerge. In this moment. What is this time asking of you?

"When I slow down, I see twice as much."


My style is invitational and challenging. The work I do is supporting leaders to ‘see with new eyes’.  As Albert Einstein says: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used  when we created them.”

The combination of mindfulness, neuroscience and coaching are what makes the work I do uniquely suitable for this moment.

MINDFULNESS as a practice, equips us to remain steady in the storm, and more skilfully navigate uncertainty.

NEUROSCIENCE provides insights into human behaviour and how the brain works. Vital during these unsettled times.

COACHING offers that ‘safe harbour’, a calm space that allows us to access our inner wisdom, so we can see with ’fresh eyes’, sense what’s needed and act with wise discernment.  

What you will experience when you work with me is:
An invitation to step away from the ‘busyness’ treadmill, gain fresh perspectives, and reveal what’s truly important

challenge to explore alternative paths and to face important decisions you could back away from; 

and unconditional support as you move forward with courage and authenticity.

I work from the premise that for a leader to be successful, they have to do the work on themselves first.

Are you ready to navigate uncertainty and take the path less travelled?

“Understanding others is intelligence; Understanding yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

Lao Tzu

To support leaders, teams, organisations and individuals navigate uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity and volatility I have a suite of offerings. I engage other experienced associates to do the work with teams and organisations. 

Leadership Team Development

  • Team Walkshops
  • Team Coaching & Development 
  • Team Dynamics & Facilitation
  • Team Resilience in the Workplace
  • Mindful Leadership Development Programmes 

Leadership & Executive Coaching

  • Walk ’n Talk Coaching
  • Mindful Leadership Coaching
  • Online & in person coaching
  • Holistic Life Coaching
  • Career Coaching

Mindfulness Programmes

  • Mindfulness @ Work
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme
  • Mindful & Compassionate Living


About Grattan

Returning to Ireland in 1998 after 12 years working in international business in the Far East, I bought a training franchise. This set me on a lifelong path in people development. Specialising in leadership and management development, I qualified as an Executive Leadership Coach in 2006. After experiencing burnout in 2010, I began practicing mindfulness. This has made a profound difference to my life. Wishing to share the benefits of mindfulness and coaching with others, I worked with Potential Project, global leaders in Corporate Based Mindfulness Training, between 2014 to 2019. During that time, I trained mindfulness to hundreds of people in leading organisations, such as Kerry Group, Irish Distillers, Citco Fund Services, Bulgari Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Leaseplan Information Systems.   

I integrate neuroscience and mindfulness into all my work as an executive and holistic life coach, leadership development facilitator and trainer. In 2017 I qualified as a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher. I lecture the Diploma in Coaching for Performance in Dublin Business School, and on Diploma in Executive Coaching in the Irish Management Institute.  I am a Founding Honorary Life Fellow of the Association for Coaching, Ireland, and was Chair from 2013-2015. As a Board Member of Mindful Nation Ireland, I believe mindfulness can contribute to developing a more compassionate and caring society. I am a keen sailor, and can often be found on Killiney Hill or on the pier in Dun Laoghaire in Walk ‘n Talk Coaching sessions with clients, sometimes with my dog in tow.  



If you'd like to find out more, please call Grattan for a conversation +353862252737

Or alternatively you can email grattan@grattandonnelly.com

Or complete the form opposite.